Friday, October 28, 2011

A Tender Reminder

With November comes many things: cold weather, fall leaves, snow, and Thanksgiving. Unfortunately for me, November also presents a whole slew of assignments and tasks that all seem to come in the same two weeks. The other day it all began to hit me and I wondered if I could really do it all. I doubted whether or not I had the stamina to overcome everything that I would be faced with. Truly, my soul was weighed down with some thoughts of deep inadequacy.

After pondering over these things, I started to doubt my decision to take a seminary teaching course that I have been enrolled in these last few months. Not because I haven't loved every minute of my experience, because I have done just that. But because it was just one more thing to add to the "November Nonsense." And without getting too personal, I prayed fervently that I could receive extra strength and guidance during the upcoming weeks.

The next day, I was at my history teaching practicum at Timpview High School (the same school that I am doing my seminary teaching practicum). I guess I before I go any further, it would be good to point out that I have already had the chance to teach a few lessons in my seminary class, and had a wonderful experience doing so. Okay, now let's jump back to the story. Well, I was at Timpview working with the geography and psychology teacher that day, and when I was leaving for the day, I ran into one of my seminary students. She saw me and said, "Hey! There's the awesome seminary teacher substitute." I stopped and talked with her and informed her that I would be back in her class in the upcoming weeks. She informed me that she was no longer in the early morning section and how she was sad that I would no longer be her teacher. She then went on to tell me how how great she thought I was and how she was now planning on coming to the early morning section for those two weeks, just because I would be there.

Now I don't blog this story to say anything about my spirituality or teaching skills. But I do share this story to show how the Lord is always there to give us small reminders about our purposes in life. For me, when this young lady told me these things, it was a shot in the arm saying, "Yes. I can do this. And there's a reason that I am."

So what if I had not taken my seminary practicum this semester? For one, I would never have had the opportunity to reach at least that one student, and I would have delayed the joy that comes from teaching and blessing the lives of today's youth. I know that God is in control, and when he places you somewhere by His divine will, you go... and never question.

Although life may be tough at times, and the stiff winds of doubt and discouragement may rage across our seemingly tranquil souls; I promise that God will steady the ship if we ask in faith. By so doing, He will constantly be there reminding us that His "grace is sufficient for the meek."


  1. Thanks for posting this experience. I think I need a little reminder like this every once in a while. So, are you actually going into the seminary teaching program? I don't know if you know that my husband, Shad, is a seminary teacher at Bear River High here in Tremonton. It really has been the best job anyone could ask for...I mean what better employer can you have than the church? However, I totally understand what you mean about not feeling like you are making a difference sometimes. I hear that a lot from my husband and I think that when he gets at least one comment a year from a student saying he made a difference, it really makes all worth it.

  2. You can do anything Craig! We love you and know you will be an AMAZING Seminary teacher!
